Dream Machine DM1S2 Gaming Mouse
Max speed 7.0 m/s Polling Rate 1000 Hz Control 7+ scroll Sensor Optical PMW3360 USB Gold plated DPI 400, 800, 1600, 2400, 4800, 12000 LOD (lift off distance) ~1.8 mm Switch Huano 20.000.000 clicks Size...
Max speed 7.0 m/s Polling Rate 1000 Hz Control 7+ scroll Sensor Optical PMW3360 USB Gold plated DPI 400, 800, 1600, 2400, 4800, 12000 LOD (lift off distance) ~1.8 mm Switch Huano 20.000.000 clicks Size...
MODELDM6 HOLEY DUO Max speed250 IPS Polling Rate125/500/1000(Default) Hz Control7+ scroll SensorOptical PMW3335 USBGold plated DPI400, 800, 1200, 2400, 4800, 16000 LOD (lift off distance)1/2/3mm Left switchHuano 20.000.000 clicks Right...
Microsoft Pro Intel® Intel® Core Intel® Core Intel® Core Intel® Core Intel® I它具有可定制的按鈕,* 時尚的外觀和感覺,以及用於最小的閃爍和最大手勢的跟踪傳感器。 選擇自訂尾巴淺色,完成您的體驗。 *
SPECS Massdrop x Sennheiser Glossy black headband, gray metal grilles Ear coupling: Over-ear (circumaural) Transducer principle: Open, dynamic Impedance: 150 ohms Frequency response: 12–38,500 Hz (-10 dB) THD + N: < 0.1% at 1 kHz, 100 dB...
An upgraded version of the crowd-favorite PC37X, our latest collaboration with EPOS | Sennheiser (previously Sennheiser’s gaming division) is more comfortable, more detailed, and more stunning than the original. Featuring new drivers—the same...
RK ROYAL KLUDGE RK71 電競鍵盤,最新 71 鍵設計無線鍵盤,3 種模式連接機械鍵盤,獨立背光 RGB 鍵,可編程巨集功能 - 藍色開關 關於此商品 最新設計:這款鍵盤是 RK ROYAL KLUDGE 的最新產品,也是唯一具有 71 鍵設計的遊戲鍵盤;與 rk61 鍵配置無線遊戲鍵盤增加 10 個功能鍵,但尺寸不會增加太大,非常小巧便攜,不會佔用您寶貴的桌面空間。 3 種模式連接:這款 2.4Ghz 無線、藍牙和 USB 有線的 3...
The Western Digital SN740 is a solid-state drive in the M.2 2230 form factor, launched on May 9th, 2022. It is available in capacities ranging from 256 GB to 2 TB. This page reports specifications for the 1 TB variant. With the rest of the system,...
[Design remains the same with updated specifications!] Original CHERRY MX switch installed. FILCO keyboard launched in 2004 is now available with the newest PCB, microprocessor and USB2.0/Full Nkey rollover in original...
迷你 60% 鍵盤:RK61 mini 60% 電競鍵盤是一款超緊湊的佈局,配有 61 個按鍵,讓您成為整齊的桌面,連人們與 Minimalist 毫無關係,也將潛入其小巧的實用設計。 您可能想知道的提示是,沒有小鍵盤的鍵盤是大多數 FPS 遊戲玩家的選擇,有更多空間用於移動滑鼠。 紅色開關:線性開關,意味著每次行程開始和結束的力度幾乎相同。 其結果是被大家視為「更平滑」和「更快」的感覺,使它們在遊戲愛好者中特別受歡迎。 Red Switch 是辦公室中使用的最適合開關。 RK61...
HD 6XX 以現代發燒友為設計理念,用更深、更引人注目的深夜藍取代了 HD 650 的灰色配色。 銀色銘牌已更換為帶有對比色銀色文字的黑色銘牌——Massdrop 徽標絲印在頭帶內側,位於右罩杯上方,序列號位於左罩杯上方。 根據社區的反饋,本次迭代還更新了可拆卸的 6 英尺電纜(與原版的 10 英尺電纜相比)和 ⅛ 英寸插頭,更適合日常筆記本電腦、手機和 DAP 使用 比標準的 ¼ 英寸插頭。 當然,HD 6XX 配備了一個 ¼ 英寸的適配器,供需要的人使用。
[Design remains the same with updated specifications!] Original CHERRY MX switch installed. FILCO keyboard launched in 2004 is now available with the newest PCB, microprocessor and USB2.0/Full Nkey rollover in original...
An upgraded version of the crowd-favorite PC37X, our latest collaboration with EPOS | Sennheiser (previously Sennheiser’s gaming division) is more comfortable, more detailed, and more stunning than the original. Featuring new drivers—the same...